Tuesday, January 18, 2011

At last

I'm sitting here in the library of Georgia State University waiting for my next class to begin at 1300. A feeling has come over me, not one that is so over whelming but one that feels like it has been to long coming. I've always done well in school. In high school I made mostly A's with some B's sprinkled in from time to time and even though I was as bad a procrastinator then as I am now I always seemed to get my work done on time and receive good grades. That was before all of this technology was available to working class families.

Now I sit here a 27 y/o man in my Junior year of school looking around at all of these young faces who just sit leisurely around for whatever reason. Instead of working, mind you they do have books in front of them, they take the opportunity to sit and talk with one another about mindless and mind numbing subjects. I don't really fit in with them and my desire to do so is not there.

So now I must wonder whether that will hinder or help my process of school. I am on schedule to graduate next spring, nearly a year ahead of the typical 4 years required. After that it's on to 3 years of law school. So I can't imagine what I will be able to gain from sitting and mindlessly chatting with these aspiring youth, whom at this instance are grating my nerves. Who comes to the library to be disruptive when it's supposed to be a sanctuary for those who are trying to study and learn.

Oh for the good ol' days when someone would be patrolling around and shushing you for being to loud or making you leave for being a disturbance. I guess as they progress through and realize that life isn't all just having fun and socializing with one another they will straighten up and put their "ducks" in order.

Until then , I will keep my ear phones in and study in my own artificial peace.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


are we ever truly happy.

it seems we are always trying to get to a point in our lives where we are happy?
but when we reach that point it seems more of a disappointment because it doesn't
do for us what we had imagined it would

is the thought of what could be more enticing than actually receiving the prize.
it's like with rich people, they have everything anybody could ever want and yet
they are the ones who complain the most about being unhappy and having problems.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Greece :: Oh ... Greece

I am seriously so sick of hearing about how Greek citizens feel budgets cuts are unfair to them. They placed themselves in this situation and now they just want a handout from the rest of the Eurozone. Well I'm sorry but I'm with the other Governments because they should not have to foot the bill for a country that over spent itself.

Money is not free. Especially when you are the reason for the problem. Take the consequences that come with your actions or be dumped from the Euro period. How well do will they fair if they were to rely on their own currency with their pitiful credit rating. Now they just want billions in handouts. I think not. It's not a lifetime. 10 years is not to hard to deal with.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's pretty sickening that the people who are supposed to enforce our laws are the very one's breaking them.
I'm sure we have all seen an officer :
  1. Driving while on their mobile phone
  2. Not using a seat belt
  3. Speeding 90mph in a 35mph zone
  4. Even driving drunk
Of course we all know that they have been caught and convicted of other illicit activities. Normally their punishments aren't nearly as harsh as a civilians.

It's sad because a lot of officers now think of it as a just a job. If they don't start off with that mind set the atrocities that they incur get them there.

So many of them are so happy to be making a difference. What's upsetting is that they are needed at all. We are taught to believe that they are doing work that is important but more often that not they are seen as a nuisance by the gen pop b/c they aren't trusted.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Too many rights

I really hate when I watch these shows that are talking about prisons and the inmates and the inmates start going on and on about how their rights are being violated. This one guy who was placed in solitary confinement was complaining about how it was inhumane and a legal type of torture. This was coming from someone who was bragging about how he watched a District Attorney for two weeks to learn her habits when leaving Court sneaked up behind her and then slit her throat with a razor blade and ran off.

We are way to generous to these monsters allowing them to many freedoms and privileges. If you can sit there and proudly talk about how you nearly took the life of someone you should have nothing. You should be left to sleep on the floor and kept in a cell with little interaction with anyone but yourself. One hour of rec time a day is too good for them. He should be grateful just to have his life which is something his victim didn't have a choice in.

Ironically I am against the death penalty because I don't feel anyone has the right to take the life of another. On the same note one who does take the life of another should not be allowed any of the convinces of those who respect the life of their peers.

Monday, January 18, 2010

1 . of . them . days

life is beyond me. there are so many different paths and so few get the path they really want. so we spend our lives trying to get to the point where were believe we belong. then i think about where i am in life and it brings me to a low because a majority of the causes are beyond my control either something I was born with or something that is in the past.

this is definitely a day that i would be happy to spend in bed just drifting in and out of consciousness with the tv providing my lullaby

Sunday, January 3, 2010

my own dose of irony

so how's this for an end of the day.

i just got off from work - 6:45am

get into car and start - 6:50am

turn off car and go back in - 7:00am

reason: cable snapped on the parking break. now she's stuck %.$.#.@

& i thought it was going to be a G00D year